About me

Aloka Levitin

Healing Practicioner for Psychotherapy (HPG)

I have been on the path of self-discovery, awareness and inner growth for more than 20 years. Going through my own inner depths and healing myself from past-wounds and inner blockages have brought me to become a therapist that accompanies others on their journey of transformation.

I have myself experienced how powerful, healing and transforming it is to be accompanied therapeutically trough therapy and healing-work, to break through one’s own inner limits and to live a life that today I truly experience as self-determined and free.

I understand life crises and conflicts as a challenge to go deeper, to question the past, to go beyond your limitations and consciously break new ground. This includes a clear self, because inner freedom begins with self-responsibility, self-love and self-acceptance.
If we have the courage to face this Self, listen to our inner truth and heal our past, our „history“ loses power over our lives. We gain access to inner clarity and true strength.

With empathy, an open heart and absolute discretion I accompany you in your personal awareness and healing process.

My deep inner wish is to lead people to more authenticity and self-love – touch their soul and support them in accessing their essence and totality and ultimately true happiness.

Since 15 years I have my own therapy praxis where I give individual sessions and workshops.


  • 1997 Breath-Therapy Training
  • 1999 Enery-Reading and Counseling Training
  • 1999-2003 Self-Experience in Primal Therapy, Gestalt, Janov Primal Scream Therapy and other forms of Therapy
  • 2002-2005 Training in Humanistic Psychotherapy, Thalamus Healingpraktitioner-School, Cologne: Person-Centered Therapy (Carl Rogers)Dynamic Bodytherapy (Dr. Wilhelm Reich), Gestalt Therapy (Fritz Perls), Development and Essenzwork, Systemic Therapy
  • 2002-2006 Training in Integrative Energy-Therapy (after Barbara Ann Brennan) at the Snowlion/Medita School, Switzerland: Integrative Energy-Therapy, Healing of Aura and Chakras, Psychodynamic, Consciousness Work, Focusing and Somatic Experiencing, Traumatherapy (Peter Levine), Cranio-Sacral-Therapy (Dr. John Upledger), Body Psychotherapy and Bio-Energetic (Dr. Wilhelm Reich) and Core Energetic (Dr. John Pierrakos)
  • 2007 Government approved License to exercise the profession as a Psychotherapist (Heilpraktikerprüfung Psychotherapie HPG, Germany)
To Secure a professional way of working and enhancing my own growth I am under regular supervision by experienced teachers and Therapists.

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